Dr. Philip J. Spencer has 45 years experience in the field of materials thermochemistry. These years include:
PhD from the Department of Physical Metallurgy, University of Birmingham, UK.
Post-doctoral research at the University of Denver, USA.
7 years as a Principal Scientific Officer at the National Physical Laboratory, UK.
23 years at the Aachen University of Technology in Germany, where he led a research group responsible for the development of a thermodynamic databank system providing calculational support both for academic research and a wide range of industrial applications.
15 years as Consultant Thermochemist and President of The Spencer Group Inc
Dr. Spencer currently has over 160 publications and is co-author with O.Kubaschewski and C.B.Alcock of the 6th edition of the book, Materials Thermochemistry.
He is a founder-member of CALPHAD and a member of its Advisory Board.
Prior to December 2001, he was for 10 years Chairman of the Scientific Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE). The Spencer Group was, until recently, an SGTE member.
He was Guest Editor for MRS Bulletin Special Issue on 'Computer Simulations from Thermodynamic Data'
He is a former Key Reader for the Metallurgical and Materials Transactions journal.
Dr. Spencer is the 2009 Hume-Rothery Prize winner of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, U.K.